Bacalar lagoon.

Yesterday we left Tulum and headed for Bacalar it took 2 hours to get there on collectivo’s and on the way we had a few snacks of chips and a meat sandwich tostada thing. It was yum.

On the way this is what I did. Sleep. Wake up. Sleep. Get out of the van.Get into a another van. Sleep. Wake up. Sleep. Get out of the van……You probably get it now so…

Once we got there we got a taxi to take us to mums friends house. Wow when we got there we were amazed!  She lives right on the ege of a beautiful lake called Bacalar Lagoon, we met her family and then walked out on the pier and jumped in the water with all our clothes on. It was awesome.

We realised I wasnt feeling too well and I had a fever so Nita said I could watch a really nice movie called song of the sea about the Silkies in Ireland. Then I went to bed and sweated hard all night but I woke up feeling alot better.

We’re having a cruisy day here today, we went kayaking and have been relaxing and hanging out with everyone and playing with the dogs.

Lukoia Coffey over and out.

(Mum will add photos later.)